Where to Get Free Cardboard Boxes for Moving in London [Infographic]

In This Article You Will Find

  1. Where Do You get Free Moving Boxes?
  2. Store Locators
  3. Pro Tips when Getting Moving Boxes
  4. Find Free Boxes Infographic

We’ve asked a group of some hardworking people within London and the area to help us with the top places where you can find some free moving boxes which is one of the essential steps in our moving checklist. Now, by free, we do mean free but you can always buy a pint to the person who got you said boxes. Nobody’s job description includes giving out free stuff.

So, Where to Get Moving Boxes Free in London


DIY and Department Stores

  • Wickes
  • ScrewFix

The top choice are definitely DIY and department stores such as Wickes and ScrewFix. We contacted a friend who works at Wickes and they said they’re always happy to help someone in need. It is important to get there at the right time, though. Deliveries in Wickes are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The employees restock the shelves in the afternoon so the best time to ask for a free moving box is on said days in the evening. Just approach an employee, be polite and ask them. They won’t act as their entire professional career rests on this decision.

Grocery and Supermarket Stores

  • ASDA
  • Tesco

Another two good mentions where you can get packing boxes are of course ASDA and Tesco. At Tesco deliveries are every day between 6 and 7 AM. Make sure you get there by then because after that they send everything back and they don’t have anything to give you. Similarly, in ASDA you can get the desired boxes early in the morning and late at night when they’re restocking shelves.

Discount Stores

  • Poundland
  • Poundstretcher

The three beloved stores offer a wide variety of products such as home ware, toys and pretty much anything else you can think of. In terms of finding free moving boxes, you came to the right place. New deliveries come in everyday during the day (it depends on your local store) but most of the time they have boxes in stock, so don’t be afraid to ask.

On the Web

  • Freecycle.org

When it comes to finding free stuff on the internet then there’s one website which beats even gumtree – that’s freecycle.org. It’s registered as a UK charity and people there give out free boxes literally everyday. Just browse the London Freecycle group here.

where-to-find-free-moving-boxes-freecycleStore Locators

To find the nearest store where you can get free moving boxes, we got you this list of links:

Pro Tip when Getting Free Moving Boxes

The better place to get boxes are actually department stores. Even though, local pubs, fast food chains (like Pret-a-Manger and Subway) bring new deliveries daily, the boxes which the products come in are odd-sized, thin and cut up or crushed almost immediately. Most of the packaging and boxing of ASDA and Tesco products doesn’t do any good either, but the ones that for example cleaning detergents come in are great for the job.

Another pro tip is to get a professional company to do the packing for you. A modern man with a van London company such as ourselves use own boxes to transport your items. Upon request we can also insure your belongings but that happens only if we packed them before that.

Where to Find Free Moving Boxes in London Infographic

Thanks for reading this article to the end. We created a nice infographic to go along with it. If you have a suggestion on the topic, please don’t hesitate and write it in the comment section bellow.boxes-infographic

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